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A Time To Trust God!

Toriah Josey

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

-Romans 8:28

In this season of uncertainty, it’s easy to become discouraged and full of fear. But when you understand who your God is, you can rest assure that he’s got you in the palm of his hand. God knew that each and everyone of us reading this blog post would be alive during this pandemic. We may not know or understand His plan during this season, but we as His children have to trust and know that we were born for such a time as this.

Growing up my mother raised us all to be extremely close. My mother was blessed with three girls and one boy. Unfortunately, she did not have a close-knit relationship with her sisters as we do. To her, if you did not have anyone else in your corner you had God and your family. My sisters and I are best friends. However, we do argue and work each other’s nerves from time to time. I am proud of the tight bond we have because there are siblings that do not get along, let alone communicate with each other.

In this season we have been trusting God to breathe on our unique talents individually and collectively. I took a leap of faith and launched a hair extension company, Promise Hair Collection, after being let go from my job in 2019. I felt the nudge of God telling me this is your time to trust me. I heard him say, “Start the business and I will do the rest”. So I took a leap of faith and started my company with no knowledge of how to start or run a business. I soon began to see God work, bringing connections and mentors into my life that I knew he ordered just for me. Was I afraid? Yes. However, I didn’t want to live a life of “what ifs’.” Being a business owner is not easy; there are ups and downs but I continue to pray and put my faith in God to guide me along my journey.

In January of this year, Ashley started her YouTube channel, Ashbashkardash, where she is creating content to inspire women to find their authentic style through fashion. Ashley has always wanted to start a YouTube Channel but did not have a clear niche. This year she realized what her passion was, Fashion! I have watched her develop strong editing skills over these past couple of months. Ashley is now venturing into the modeling scene where she is leaning on God to order her steps. Ashley has modeled, cheered, and competed in pageants since she was 6 years old. She has a spark that most people are just naturally drawn to.

Brittany also has a YouTube channel, BritJo, where she will share a variety of her talents such as singing and fashion techniques. Music has always played a big part in Brittany’s life. Back in 2016, she stepped out on faith and auditioned for The Voice and made it through to the second round of callbacks. She will never forget her experience with the judges. Brittany has taken her feedback to work and uses her gift to bless others around her.

We’ve recently started, Sistersisterworship, where we cover a variety of inspirational songs in hopes to shed light to those who find themselves in dark places. During Easter weekend, we released our first cover, “The Blessing” by Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes and Elevation Worship. Our uncle, who is not saved, saw the cover and was deeply moved by the song. So moved, he thought we actually wrote it. I looked to Ashley and said, “This is why we have to keep blessing people with our gifts.” Many people are hurting and need to hear the gospel.

We have faced many mountains in our lifetime. However, one of our biggest mountains was the process of purchasing our first home. We always had a dream of residing downtown Chicago. We just loved the atmosphere and knew we belonged in the Windy City. During 2015, we began our house-hunting journey. We found a realtor and began looking at high-rise condos that was out of our budget. Though this was the case, we believed God would do the impossible for us. We’ve tried putting in offers and were told your credit was not high enough; you haven’t been with your employer long enough, you name it. We did not let that stop us, for we knew God was calling us to the City of Chicago. My mother has prayer vase and she told us anything that we put in the vase, God will fulfill. So we put our request in the prayer vase. Four years later, God answered our prayer and we became homeowners in September 2019 residing in downtown Chicago. Statistically, we should not be here. We knew it was God!

Moral of the story is, God has not forgotten you. We often hear voices in our mind that says, “I’m not good enough”, or “God can’t use me”. We have to remember that those are voices from the enemy trying to discourage us from walking in our God-given purpose. God just simply wants us to trust him. He told us that he wont put more on us than we can bear. If we can learn to let go, and really trust God, he will give us the desires of our hearts.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

- Jeremiah 29:11

God Bless,


Guest Contributor, Tori is a follower of Jesus and founder of Promise Hair Collection, a faith-based textured hair extensions company that supports women on their natural hair journey. Instagram (@shadesoftorie)

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