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Jesus Is My Savior!

Deborah Durodola

Updated: Jan 18

The year 2023 has definitely been eventful so far. Let me share a little about my life during this time. At the start of the year, I had the amazing opportunity to move from Columbus OH to Chicago IL for further training in ministry. This decision brought about many changes, including a new role at my church in Chicago and the chance to make new friends. While pursuing ministry, I also worked part-time as an accountant. Additionally, I was blessed to enter into a dating relationship in November 2022, marking a new chapter in my life. Through it all, I have learned a valuable lesson: to rely on Jesus as my Savior.

“Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” Acts 2:36

I love the scripture above. Feel free to read the whole Acts 2 to get the full context but to give a little background of what is happening in this scripture, Peter was preaching to the Jews who traveled from all nations to celebrate the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem. He shared with them that Jesus is from God, came on earth, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected on the third day. Thus, God has made Jesus their/our Lord and Messiah.

The statement Jesus is our Lord and Messiah is such a big statement. Jesus is Lord means that he is our master as a result we do what he says. Many people (myself included at times) may struggle with this concept because we don’t like to be told what to do. But for Jesus to be our Messiah he needs to be our Lord. This is however not the focus of my writing today as I was struggling with letting Jesus be my Messiah in the midst of everything God is allowing me to go through this year.

What does it mean for Jesus to be the Messiah? The word Messiah means Christ, the anointed one, Savior or a liberator of people. God has been teaching me how to let Jesus truly be my savior and my liberator in the midst of my trials and struggles. Lately, I noticed how I am tempted to be my own savior! What does that look like? For example, let’s say I had a personal or ministry situation come up, I was quick to take the action to try liberating myself, instead of slowing down, praying, asking God for directions on how to handle situations, then taking action. Not going to God to help me go through what life throws at me then left me feeling internally burnt out, lack of Joy and having temptation to see God's work as a burden.

Towards the end of April, I shared communion on what the Cross means to me at my church. I reflected on this scripture below that really exposed my heart during this time.

“Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ TPT

I love this scripture! It really exposed my heart because it reminded me that I have been trying to be my own savior instead of letting Jesus save me. I love that the scripture teaches us that when I walk with Jesus and let him carry my yoke and heavy burden for me, I will be refreshed and find rest in him. You might be thinking what yoke means in this scripture. Yoke is a farming term. When training a new animal to plow, the ancient farmers usually yoked it to an older, stronger, more experienced animal who bore the burden and guided the young animal through the learning process. When I decide to be yoked with Jesus, he will carry my burden for me, guide me and liberate me from all the pressure that makes me feel burnt out.

This is something I have been applying more in the month of May and man! God has really been taking care of me. I feel so light and burden free as I continue to go after praying more than ever daily, spending time reading my bible, asking for his direction in every step I take. I am so grateful to have Jesus not only as my Lord but as my Savior!



Guest Contributor: Born and raised in Nigeria. Moved to the US when she was 15. Became a Christian at the age of 19 in college and since then served God in campus ministry in 4 different cities.

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