Ephesians 6:12
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of darkness, against evil spiritual forces in the heavens."
I can remember the day like it was yesterday—the last moment I had the pleasure of seeing my father’s face alive. It was a horrific experience that no child should ever have to endure. I knew that day would change me forever, but I could never have prepared for the tough years to come.
After my dad’s passing, I moved around a lot as a child. Losing a father affects you in far more ways than you could ever imagine. At a very young age, I struggled with seeking validation from men and eventually developed a drug and alcohol problem. When you aren’t aware of who you are in Christ, you fall victim to the traps of anything placed in front of you.
As I approached my mid-twenties, the pain I had been suppressing began to manifest as full-blown addictions. On the surface, I was thriving—excelling in my career, opening a new business, and seemingly living my dream life. But inside, I was battling the deepest depression I had ever experienced. I vividly remember many moments crying on my bathroom floor, wondering if this was all life had to offer.
When I finally reached rock bottom, I knew I needed professional help. I began seeing a therapist, whom I will always call my angel—his name was Gabriel. During our sessions, he gently encouraged me to seek out a church. After a few weeks, I decided to give the “church thing” a try.

At first, I enjoyed attending church but still found myself living in the ways of the world. About three months into my walk with Christ, I realized I needed to fully submit and surrender my life to Him. The moment I surrendered, He began a complete work in me. As a hairstylist for over a decade, I’ve always known that I love helping people. But I also knew I was capable of more.
Psalm 139:13-14 "For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made."
Through the process of dying to my old self, God began to reveal my unique purpose. My longtime friend Rachel and I started a women’s ministry together. I am now blessed with a social media platform where I have the privilege of glorifying God.
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come."
God will guide you to the exact places He needs you. All you have to do is submit and surrender to His plan, not your own. It will be His will anyway, so make it easier on yourself by submitting to the One who works all things together for good!
Guest Contributor: Danielle is a strong-willed bubbly woman with a knack for lifting up others in need. Her life purpose is to help women, and guide them into the arms of Christ. She uses not only her voice, but social media to spread the good news!
Follow along to see more of her journey with the Lord https://www.instagram.com/dannnystanley?igsh=NGpwbHd0cWM0ZWIw